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How to Stop Condensation On Your Garage Windows

  • admin
  • 23 Aug 2018
  •   Comments Off on How to Stop Condensation On Your Garage Windows

Condensation can happen on your garage windows in the right conditions. If you want to reduce the condensation on your glass, we have a few tips for you. The team here at Neighborhood Garage Door Services of Kansas City is always looking for ways to help our customers. We hope these ideas will help you.

What Causes Condensation on Garage Windows?

There are a few reasons you are dealing with moisture on your windows. For one, your garage door is meant to keep air from the outside getting in, which means your garage is well insulated. That can cause the room to heat up more so than a door that isn’t as well insulated.

Another reason for the moisture is that you have a lot of humidity in your garage. If you live in a high humidity area, then that would explain it. But even if you don’t live in a high humidity area, you can still have a lot of moisture in your garage. For example, if you park in your car in the winter and there’s snow on your car, it can add water to the air inside in the garage.

Why is Condensation on Your Windows Bad?

Having condensation on your windows may not seem like a problem, but it can actually be harmful to your health. The water itself isn’t the problem, rather the mold that grows in those conditions. Allowing moisture to build up on your windows on an ongoing basis can be dangerous for your health.

Babies, children, and elderly people are at greater risk for health concerns from damp conditions. Even if it is just in your garage, it can present a problem for those living in the home.

How to Reduce The Moisture

Of course, you don’t want to get a door that isn’t as insulated, so how do you reduce the moisture in your garage? Here are a few things you can try:

  • Run a dehumidifier- make sure you are regularly emptying the tray or running a hose from the drain hole so it doesn’t shut off.
  • Use a moisture eliminating product like DampRid- apply the mixture to the windows so that it will reduce the likelihood of moisture accumulating.
  • Open your garage door and run fans to air out the room- circulating the air can dry off the windows in your garage.
  • Change the temperature in your garage- if you have condensation because of temperature differences, change the temp in your garage to be closer to the outside air.

These tips can help you to keep your windows from developing moisture on them.

Call us Today For Garage Door Assistance

If you have a garage door repair request, get in touch with our team today. The experts here at Neighborhood Garage Door services of Kansas City are able to troubleshoot your problems and provide you with top quality repairs. Call us now so we can get one of our technicians over to you.

We can’t wait to help you!

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positive reviews

They sent Doug Fussell out to my house on the day after Christmas! I had only called them three days before! Doug was a premier technician, very thorough and very efficient. I expected him to take two days, since he was replacing two doors and adding openers on each door. He only took the daylight hours of one day! I could not believe how fast he was! In addition, he thoroughly taught me how to use the remote openers. I highly recommend them to anyone!
~Donald B.

positive reviews

We just bought a home and this company was so understanding as I had to change the appointment time a few times. Then the tech came out and was so kind and helpful. I could not have asked for a better experience and will suggest them to anyone who needs work done on their garage door!
~Tammy K.

positive reviews

My garage door broke on a Saturday night as I was getting ready to leave for a holiday party. Kelvin was here within 30 minutes. He reviewed everything with me that was happening with my door. He gave me the estimates of what was immediately needed to be done in order for my door to raise and then what I will need to have done very soon. I could see all the problems he pointed out to me and I decided to have everything done. He completed everything that night. I was very satisfied with Kelvin’s professionalism and the work he did. Thank you again.
~Joyce N

We Service All Makes and Models of Garage Doors and Openers