Have you ever put any real consideration into choosing the right color for your garage door? Unfortunately, many people have not. Considering that a large amount of your home’s facade is made up of your overhead door, this is a big oversight. Let us at Neighborhood Garage Door Service of The Bay Area, CA share some thoughts factor into your choice of garage door color.
Overall Style of the Home
The total look and feel of your home is the first factor in choosing a garage door color. Different styles will require different considerations. A rustic home probably won’t feature lots of contrast or bright, vibrant colors. A contemporary home with sleek lines and modern design would work well with bold colors. A simple, down-home kind of house calls for warm, calming colors.
Building Materials
The materials your house is built from will have a big part in choosing the right color for your garage door. A wood-sided home or log cabin would benefit from warm, earthy colors that won’t be too garish. Perhaps consider coordinating with your roof or trim colors. A bright white door would not fit well here.
Brick homes can be tricky. A door that matches the trim color can allow it to blend seamlessly into the home, while a white door can brighten the home. You could also try to match the brick color itself, but be careful. If your facade is made of multiple colors of brick, remember that whatever color brick you choose will suddenly stand out vividly when highlighted by a matching overhead door.
Vinyl sided homes can be just about any color, so other factors will have to come into play for choosing the right color here. A separate, metal construction garage of a muted color would benefit from the pop of a white door, giving some needed contrast.
It’s important to consider the other homes in your neighborhood when choosing a garage door color. Do you want your home to stand out from the crowd? You could consider a bold look like black or forest green. Perhaps you want to blend in more? Take a look at what other homeowners have done and ask their advice.
You’ll also want to check with neighborhood standards. If your home is in a community with a property owner’s association or homeowners association, you’ll want to consult the standards laid out by that body. If you aren’t in a POA/HOA regulated neighborhood, you still need to check for other standards, particularly if you’re considering something bold or dramatic. Historical areas can have many laws and codes on the books. These can carry severe fines, so make sure you’re on the right side of the law.
There’s a lot that goes into choosing the right color for your garage door. Neighborhood Garage Door Service of The Bay Area, CA has trained professionals ready to take your call and help you in choosing the best options for you and your home. If you’re considering an upgrade or replacement, call us today!