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3 Questions to Ask When Choosing Garage Door Opener for Your Home

  • admin
  • 17 Apr 2017
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Neighborhood Garage Door Service of Denver, CO is a full-service resource for all your garage door needs. Whether you need inspections, repairs, replacements, or installations, we have you covered. One area where we can help you is picking the right garage door opener model for your home. There are three basic components that you need to consider when making this decision. Let’s take a look at each of them.

Motor power supply

Many people don’t think about what type of power supply they need for their garage door opener motor. You have two options and each has different characteristics.

  • AC or alternating current driven motors has variable speeds during operation. It begins slowly, gets up to speed, and then slows down as it closes. AC motors cannot utilize a backup power supply.
  • DC or direct current motors have a constant speed throughout an open/close cycle. With DC, you have the option of installing a backup battery for use when your power is out.

Each option has different pulling power, which we’ll discuss next.

Motor size

Motor power is generally measured in units called horsepower. You’re probably familiar with this term in regard to car motors. It is equal to 550 foot-pounds per second. DC motors are available in ⅓, ½, or ¾ horsepower. AC garage door opener models are available only in ½ and ¾, though they are usually measured in Newtons (800 & 900, respectively) and not horsepower.

The size motor you need is determined by the size and weight of the door. It is also influenced by the calibration of your torsion spring. A typical garage door has a maximum deadweight of around 15 pounds. A ½ horsepower motor should be able to handle this just fine. If, however, you have a double wide door or taller than average door, you may need the ¾ horsepower motor.

Drive system

You have three basic options for your drive system.

  • Chain driven – these are the most common and economical drive systems. They are reliable, but they are the noisiest of the three options.
  • Belt driven – these have the same basic lifting apparatus as the chain drives, but with a belt in place of the chain. The belts are a steel reinforced rubber, much like car tires. They are much quieter.
  • Jackshaft – this system is the most expensive option. However, they are the best solution if you have a particularly high garage ceiling or tall door. This system is only compatible with garage doors that have torsion springs.

If you aren’t sure which garage door opener model is the right one for you, don’t be afraid to call for assistance. Neighborhood Garage Door Service of Denver, Colorado is glad to help you with all your questions. With over 20 years of experience, we know how to match you up with what you need. Our professionally trained technicians will be glad to inspect your overhead door and walk you through the options. Don’t wait any longer, call us today!

You Can Trust Us for the Job

positive reviews

They sent Doug Fussell out to my house on the day after Christmas! I had only called them three days before! Doug was a premier technician, very thorough and very efficient. I expected him to take two days, since he was replacing two doors and adding openers on each door. He only took the daylight hours of one day! I could not believe how fast he was! In addition, he thoroughly taught me how to use the remote openers. I highly recommend them to anyone!
~Donald B.

positive reviews

We just bought a home and this company was so understanding as I had to change the appointment time a few times. Then the tech came out and was so kind and helpful. I could not have asked for a better experience and will suggest them to anyone who needs work done on their garage door!
~Tammy K.

positive reviews

My garage door broke on a Saturday night as I was getting ready to leave for a holiday party. Kelvin was here within 30 minutes. He reviewed everything with me that was happening with my door. He gave me the estimates of what was immediately needed to be done in order for my door to raise and then what I will need to have done very soon. I could see all the problems he pointed out to me and I decided to have everything done. He completed everything that night. I was very satisfied with Kelvin’s professionalism and the work he did. Thank you again.
~Joyce N

We Service All Makes and Models of Garage Doors and Openers