Learning how to efficiently master off season garage storage can really boost the organization of your garage. Neighborhood Garage Door Service of Columbus, Ohio really understands the importance of proper summer toy storage. We can help you break down the process for an operational and effective garage during all seasons using the following guidelines.
Purge First
There is no sense in spending time organizing things you no longer need. Especially after an active season such as summer, you may have collected a good amount of clutter. Take the time to sort through all the stuff and donate/sell any unneeded items. This will save you time and very valuable space in the off season.
Next, you should categorize. Make sure that you keep items you will need in the off season set aside so that you can ensure easy access when you need them. Also, when you start to dig out your summer toys next season, if you have grouped like items you will be able to find what you need fast.
Start Big
Because larger items will take up the most space, it works best to delegate a home for them first. You will still need to work around these items finding places for much smaller groups of summer toys, but it will prevent you from running out of room at the very end.
Pulling large items out of the overall pile will also help you visualize what small items can be grouped and therefore stored together. This also makes it easier to determine what time of storage units you will need to complete the project.
Go Up and Away
Get creative. A big way to nail your off-season garage storage is to really utilize all the space available to you. This includes considering ceiling storage. You can install strong hooks up above to hang things such as kayaks and canoes greatly expanding your space available below.
Your side walls are also hot commodities. Using racks, cabinets, and peg boards you can find homes for just about anything you won’t need this winter. Store items susceptible to damage in tubs and away from exposure. Reserve open-air storage like hooks and racks for more durable toys that can handle the dust, dirt, and extreme temperatures.
Big Toy Maintenance
Just because your big toys are stored indoors for the winter does not mean they are protected from damage. If you are storing any items such as four wheelers/quads, jet skis, and sports cars make sure they are properly covered and winterized.
This is a great time of year to give the standard features a check. Measure tire pressure, change replace or remove oil based on the vehicle needs, and make any minor repairs needed. When summer rolls around, the last thing you’ll want to be doing is fixing problems.
Be Proactive
Putting all your summer toys into your off-season garage storage can be both sad and annoying. If you take the time at the end of the season to properly store all of your items you extend the life of the item and make use easy when warm weather returns. Though it doesn’t seem like you will spending a lot of time in your garage in the off-season, good storage and organization will make all seasons of your space functional and safe. Find more solutions by contacting Neighborhood Garage Door Service of Columbus, OH today.